The Best in Child Care, Infant Care, and Early Education

Update February 26 , 2025


The Fort Langley Child Care Society waitlist is now closed as our waitlist has reached capacity . We will re-open it when we once again have space for new families to add their names .


Fort Langley Learning Centre operates 62 spaces for children ages 3 years to 12 years. All full-time staff in our 3-5 programs are certified as both Early Childhood Educators and Special Needs Educators. The staff in our school age care programs are certified as either Early Childhood Educators or as Responsible Adults. Each of the child care programs are licensed by the provincial government.

To add your child's name to our waitlist, please complete the waitlist form on our contact us page. This enrollment form simply indicates your interest in registering your child at Fort Langley Learning Centre. When a space becomes available, you will be contacted to register your child with the appropriate registration forms. We do not charge a fee to be added to our waitlist.

Unfortunately, we cannot keep families updated on our waitlist. We genuinely empathize with how difficult it is to not have a timeline, but due to the high volume of applicants and low turnover of spaces we are unable to predict when a space will become available; therefore, we will not respond to phone calls and/or emails. Rest assured we will contact you as soon as a space becomes available for your child in their respective age grouping. 

Hours of Operation

Open Monday thru Friday 7am to 6pm

We are closed the following statutory holidays:

New Year's Day Victoria Day Labour Day
Family Day Canada Day Thanksgiving Day
Good Friday BC Day Remembrance Day
Easter Monday Christmas Day Boxing Day
ECEBC Friday (Professional Development)

*We close early on both Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.

Fees & Registration March 2022 - March 2023

In 2018, more than 50 $10 a Day ChildCareBC Centres were approved for operation through the Canada-British Columbia Early Learning and Child Care Agreement (ELCC). Funding through this partnership allowed the Province to convert around 2,500 licensed child care spaces – with a priority on infant and toddler care – into low-cost spaces at existing child care facilities.

In 2021, the federal government committed to making the $10 a day plan nation-wide with most provinces having signed on. Work was underway to expand this program to more than double the number of $10 a Day spaces in B.C. The commitment to convert nearly 4,000 spaces is the first-time provincial funding will be directed to support the delivery of $10 a Day child care under ChildCareBC.

Fort Langley Leaning Centre became a $10 a Day ChildCareBC site on March 1, 2022. Our society converted 20 spaces for ages three years old to kindergarten and 34 school-aged spaces to the $10 per day program. For those who would like more information on the $10 a Day ChildCare, please visit $10aday childcare.10adaychildcare

This change drastically reduced our monthly fees, some families may qualify for an additional benefit from Affordable Child Care Benefit (ACCB). Our monthly fees under the $10 a Day ChildCareBC Program are listed below;

 3 to 5 Year old Program

  •  5 days per week: $200 per month – Regularly $943 per month
  • 3 days: $120 per month – Regularly $597 per month
  • 2 days: $80 per month – Regularly $399 per month
Kindergarten – Grade 7 School Age Program
  • 5 days per week: $200 per month – Regularly $534 per month
  • 3 days: $120 per month – Regularly $336 per month
  • 2 days: $80 per month – Regularly $226 per month
Summer Program rate for School Age Care July and August 2023
  • 5 days per week: $200 per month – Regularly $775 per month
  • 3 days: $120 per month – Regularly $485 per month
  • 2 days: $80 per month – Regularly $324 per month

Additional charges for field trips for our programs. 

Direct withdrawal of fees on the first of each month.

Refundable half month's regular fees due to hold registration

One month's notice prior to withdrawal

School Closures

It may be necessary to close Fort Langley Learning Centre due to adverse weather conditions, power failure, lack of heat or water or other emergency conditions.

In the case of any of these conditions the Langley School Board may close schools in the area. Fort Langley Learning Centre will be closed in conjunction with the Fort Langley Elementary School . The decision to close will be made by the Child Care Director, the Langley School Board and/or Community Care Facilities Licensing.

Information on the status of elementary School closures is posted at: by clicking the 'School Status' link on the district home page.
A message is also recorded on our telephone line at 604-888-1112.
The district also sends updates to radio stations : CKNW (980 AM), CKWX (1130 AM) and Country Radio (107.1 FM).

Parents are asked to avoid calling the Elementary school or the School Board Office reception desk for school status updates.

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